Friday, April 17, 2009

America is warming, Austrialia is cooling?!

Ok I totally get the opposite seasons based on what hemisphere we are in but I'm talking about the political realm.

America is just getting reved up again with the global warming crud. For the last couple of weeks I've seen the news about the EPA wanting to put CO2 on the list of greenhouse gasses that are dangerous to public health. Link So everyone should stop breathing, because all that CO2 you exhale is dangerous to public health. Please don't shut any doors in your house, you wouldn't want CO2 to build up! This same gas that plants use to produce oxygen and grow! Let's not forget the other gases including methane, better stop feeding all those cows. Makes me want to go eat beans just to spite them. Other gases might make sense to reduce the production of, just maybe. Here's the other 4 on the list: Nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). Remember Chlorofluorobarbons (CFCs) from the 80s ozone is going away stuff. hmm....

I think Australia might be getting cold feet about their cap and trade program. However it's not because they think the globe is getting colder. They just want time to redo the program, promote green energies, and reduce greenhouse gasses.
Scientists in Australia are looking at Antartica, but unlike American news that focuses on the West side of Antarctica they are looking at the side they lay claim to. The east side is actually growing in size and cooling! So is it warming, melting, and falling into the ocean or freezing and growing?! Answer, Antarctic sea ice is up over 4.7% since 1980. That doesn't make for good news here in America.

So not so sure where you stand on global warming. Is it warming? Do humans cause it? What can be done about it?
Have you noticed the news lately.. record freezing temperatures and there also happens to be no sun spot activity for the last 95 out of 107 days (by my count). NASA SOHO Sun watcher.
Coincidence, I think not. No sunspots were observed on 266 of 2008’s 366 days (73%), says NASA. To find a year with more blank suns, you have to go back to 1913, which had 311 spotless days. It's cyclical people...

So I think it is obvious that our Sun has a huge impact on our Earth, and that there is little we can do about it. We should still promote green energies, but carbon cap trading is a political gimic to make the rich richer at the expense of the poor. I think our climate will get cooler in spite of what our government does. I just hope it gets cooler before they claim the credit, but not before it's too late to prepare for a harsher winter. Come on world governments get your acts together!

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